Friday 19 March 2021

Wednesday 2 December 2020

old derrite manshion


I was out at night to go to the bar. Because I was celebrating my 21st birthday All alone.all of a sudden I heard a lot of voices next to me. I thought to myself I must be hearing stuff because there were no people next to me. My leg started to hurt after a few minutes. I had Hazel eyes and a comb over and  had a basketball-shirt that said number 10
I looked young. I spotted a derrite mansion. It was creepy. It gave me the freaks. Trees had  no leaves. 

I saw a haunted skeleton with a creepy cemetery.hands poked out ‘AHHHHHHHHH’

I ran as fast as I could. But they aren't following me so I went back this time I saw two cemetary,s. The skeleton was gone i went inside creak i heard footsteps on the 4th 

Floor. I heard people saying their names but no one was their…

Up the steps I saw a man eating his own arm so he could not hunger to death.

I got it. I gassed him. I had a dirt bike so I drove fast and I never went to that house ever. 

On the tv i saw that the mansion that they sucked the spirit in a vacuum by accident

And it showed a picture of me. I didn't know they were recording me. No one said they recorded me.maybe the ghost?.  3 months later i knew it was a ghost. Amazing people said.

I Went two the bar again and no one was there. I saw halloween they gave me a drink i got dizzy
i went to the mansion again i thought it was my house i saw the halloween people i fall asleep the copes found me. I Went home and saw a star scraped on my back.  I could not feel anything. On the news it said that the father murdered his son at the mansion.

And the dad sucide. That is why the ghosts are day i stayed home until they knocked the mansion and bust it down. And they did today. Yayy!!!.


Friday 27 November 2020


 Scientific Explanation Writing 

WALT: conduct a science experiment to  Learn about how a heart pumps blood through the heart and the body.

website for experiment

What Do i already know about the heart? I know that the heart is what pumps your blood and helps you to also know that if your heart is gone your body will die quick and fast.if you have a heart attack/heart condition your heart will stop and you will die and faint quik and if your healthy your heart will stay beating for years and you will live for years.some people are born with a heart condition. But if you're lucky enough you wont worry about your heart exploding🤯

What do I need to conduct this experiment 

Friday 6 November 2020

brain washed

 why we are brain washed . we are brain washed because we love the games that people make too have fun . once i played a game about 2 days ago and it was cool. the games that i like on chrome book. i try to play with my friends but they get brainwashed on fortnite and minecraft and tekkeen 2 and a whole other games it is so cool i am a brain washed person.

Thursday 15 October 2020

What a Disaster

  the rena ship crashed and all of the tanks fall off and their were toxic oil and gas in the tanks so the sea life was dieing and suffocating and